West Johnson Street and Pioneer Road Intersection – WI DOT Project
Schedule: June 6, 2022, to August 9, 2022
Description of work: The project is to provide the intersection of Johnson St and Pioneer Rd with dedicated left turn lanes on Johnson St and dedicated right turn lane for westbound Johnson St onto Pioneer Rd. This work will also upgrade the traffic signals at the intersection.
June 20 to June 24: The contractor anticipates working on the following items:
Crews removed existing traffic signals and will complete storm sewer installation in the median Installing conduit throughout the intersection for future traffic signals
Pouring concrete curb and gutter in the median of WIS 23
Traffic Impacts: Johnson St will remain open to two lanes in each direction. Closures of note below.
County VV (Pioneer Road) north at Johnson St – Closed
The following turning restrictions will remain in place.
Westbound WIS 23 to southbound County VV
Eastbound WIS 23 to northbound County VV
Project website: https://projects.511wi.gov/us45johnson/
2 nd Street from Vincent Street to DeNeveu Creek
Schedule: May 16 th though October
Description: The project includes gas main and service relocations, reconstruction of sanitary sewer and laterals, storm sewer and laterals, water main and laterals, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, street lighting and restoration/landscaping.
June 20 to June 24: Contractor will continue storm sewer installation.
Traffic Impacts: 2 nd Street is closed to through traffic. Residents, business owners, and customers may access properties past “ROAD CLOSED TO THRU TRAFFIC” signs. It is illegal to drive past a “ROAD CLOSED” sign or to move any construction barricades. Parking is not permitted on the street within the construction zone during working hours.
Eighth Street Water Main Replacement
Schedule: May 16 th though October
Description: The project includes gas main and service relocations, reconstruction of sanitary sewer and laterals, storm sewer and laterals, water main and laterals, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, street lighting and restoration/landscaping.
June 20 to June 24: Restoration work will begin midweek.
Traffic Impacts: 8 th Street is closed to through traffic. Residents, business owners, and customers may access properties past “ROAD CLOSED TO THRU TRAFFIC” signs. It is illegal to drive past a “ROAD CLOSED” sign or to move any construction barricades. Parking is not permitted on the street within the construction zone during working hours.
Grove Street from Hillcrest Lane to Seymour Street
Schedule: June 6 th though October
Description: The project includes gas main and service relocations, reconstruction of sanitary sewer and laterals, storm sewer and laterals, water main and laterals, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, street lighting and restoration/landscaping.
June 20 to June 24: Contractor will continue sanitary sewer installation.
Traffic Impacts: Grove Street is closed to through traffic. Residents, business owners, and customers may access properties past “ROAD CLOSED TO THRU TRAFFIC” signs. It is illegal to drive past a “ROAD CLOSED” sign or to move any construction barricades. Parking is not permitted on the street within the construction zone during working hours.
14 th Street Reconstruction
Schedule: May 31 through October
Description: The project includes gas main and service relocations, reconstruction of sanitary sewer and laterals, storm sewer and laterals, water main and laterals, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, street lighting and restoration/landscaping.
June 20 to June 24: Contractor will continue with water main installation.
Traffic Impacts: 14 th Street is closed to through traffic. Residents, business owners, and customers may access properties past “ROAD CLOSED TO THRU TRAFFIC” signs. It is illegal to drive past a “ROAD CLOSED” sign or to move any construction barricades. Parking is not permitted on the street within the construction zone during working hours.
Pioneer Road from Johnson Street to Forest Avenue – FDL County Highway Dept
Schedule: April 4- October2022
Description: The reconstruction of Pioneer Rd includes curb and gutter, new storm sewer, water main, street lighting, multi-use trail, and installation of traffic signals on Pioneer Rd between KFC and Faros. Stage 1 work is from the proposed signalized intersection north to Johnson St. Stage 2 is from 400 FT south of Forest Avenue to the signalized intersection.
June 20 to June 24: Contractor completed the storm sewer installation and grading the roadway near the intersection of Johnson Street. Crews will begin construction of retaining wall north of Ala Romas driveway, install conduit for street lighting and traffic signals, and begin concrete curb and gutter. Pioneer Rd (CTH VV) to Johnson access (right in/right out) will be restored at Johnson St by Friday evening 06/17. Access to CTH VV will be maintained from the south project limits and Forest Ave. The frontage road west of the Home Depot property will remain open for access. All businesses will remain accessible during construction.
Traffic Impacts: Pioneer Rd will be open to “local traffic only” during construction. Residents, business owners, and customers may access properties past “ROAD CLOSED TO THRU TRAFFIC” signs. Use “Caution” in the construction zone. Right-in/out access only from Johnson St to Pioneer Rd is required to construct the utilities and the roadway.
Johnson Street Mall Intersections
Schedule: Construction Start April 4-June 2022 – Stage 1 Median
Description: The project includes reconstruction of the median turn lanes and install traffic signals at the west entrance to the mall.
June 20 to June 24: Work is completed with the exception of installing traffic signals at the west mall entrance. Signals are expected to be delivered and installed by the end of June.
Traffic Impacts: Johnson St. will remain open to two lanes of traffic in each direction at all times. Stage 1 the median work is completed and Stage 2 reconstructs the west entrance to the mall and installs signals. The west Forest Mall entrance will be closed for Stage 2.
Military Road from Western Avenue to Superior Street – WI DOT Northeast Region
Schedule: April 11-October 2022 – Stage 1 Military Road/Western Ave Intersection
Description: The reconstruction of S Military Rd includes reconstruction of the street and utilities, addition of bike lane and construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Military Road and 9 th Street.
June 20 to June 24: Military Road and Western Avenue intersection concrete pavement is completed. Work on the traffic signal conduit, bases and boxes will be ongoing followed by grading for sidewalk. Concrete sidewalk, curb ramps and traffic islands will be poured as well. Contractor will continue installing water main from Western Avenue to Grove Street.
Traffic Impacts: Military Road will be closed to through traffic. Residents, business owners, and customers may access properties past “ROAD CLOSED TO THRU TRAFFIC” signs. Stage 1 Detour: Southbound on Military Road is east on 2 nd Street, south on Main Street, west on 9 th Street to Military Road. Northbound detour is signed the same utilizing 9 th Street, Main Street, and 2 nd Street to Military Road.
WIS 23 Expansion – Urban Section – WI DOT Northeast Region
Location/limits: WIS 23 and various intersecting local roads between US 151 and Seven Hills Road
Schedule: April 11, 2021 to fall of 2022
Description of work: This work is part of the WIS 23 4-lane, on-alignment expansion project in Sheboygan and Fond du Lac counties.
June 20 to June 24: The contractor anticipates working on the following items:
Continue paving operations on WIS 23 westbound near County UU
Continue construction of the new WIS 23 westbound bridge over County K.
Traffic impacts:
County K north at WIS 23 – Closed
County UU (South of WIS 23) – Closed
County UU (North of WIS 23) – Closed
Irene Drive: During milling and paving operations, please expect minor delays traveling through the worksite.