The Fond du Lac School Board has approved the establishment of a long-term Capital Improvement Trust Fund. Superintendent Dr. Jeff Fleig says the fund would be used for planning and funding projects related to facilities maintenance and buildings. “This is something a number of school districts take advantage of. We never have and still need to plan for capital improvement projects coming down the road,” Dr. Fleig told WFDL news. “The nice thing about this is you put in money. It has to sit for five years. We also have to have a capital improvement plan which we have. It allows us to establish a trust fund that can only be used for capital money,” Fleig said. Dr. Fleig says the fund would allow the District to make large capital expenditures, while smoothing out the shared cost impact to the amount of general aid the District receives each year. He says that will mitigate the impact to the overall tax levy.