2-15-23 soroptimist internation of fdl: dollars for dreams

The Soroptimist International of Fond du Lac service club is pleased to announce that their DreamCasters Video Contest, to support young women in achieving their dreams, will again be offered, with increased awards this year! First place will receive $1000, second place $800, third place $600, fourth and fifth place $400 and $200, respectively. The contest is open to any 11th and 12th grade girl who lives or attends school in Fond du Lac County. Students should craft a video to describe their dream and journey, including who has most inspired them. Participants should aim to be creative, specific, and energized! Details and entry instructions are at https://fdlsoroptimists.wixsite.com/bestforwomen/dreamcasters. The contest will be open now through April 15th. Soroptimist International of Fond du Lac is a service club with a mission of empowering women and girls socially and educationally through local, regional, and international programs.

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