5-2-23 letter from rosendale brandon superintendent to parents following social media threat

Earlier this morning I was notified by the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office of a post on social media that was being investigated by the FBI. Based on the content and timing of the post, there was no belief that students or staff were in imminent danger. However, we take all threats seriously. Therefore, in an abundance of caution, I asked for police presence at our schools while the matter was further investigated by the FBI, county law enforcement, and school officials.  Upon further investigation, it was further reinforced that there was no immediate or specific threat to students or staff. However, as stated earlier, all threats are taken seriously and will be addressed accordingly.  Parents, please talk with your children about the use of social media. As a parent myself, I know the power social media has on children and adults alike. Please take time to remind our children that what is put on social media is never anonymous and can be interpreted by others in a variety of ways. Whether something is meant as a joke does not matter; talking about violence towards others is not appropriate. Additionally, if students hear or read comments about violence, whether they feel it’s a joke or not, they should report what they know to a  trusted adult.  Again, based on the joint investigation conducted by the FBI and county law enforcement, there was no imminent or specific threat to students or staff.

Wayne D. Weber

Rosendale-Brandon School District

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