7-17-23 fdl street reconstruction schedule

  1. Division Street Bridge (over DeNeveu Creek) and Concrete Rehabilitation

West of Reid Terrace to East of SSM Hospital Intersection

Project Duration: Friday, June 23 to July 24, weather pending

Description: The project includes replacing the deteriorated Division Street Bridge deck overlay, bridge approaches and sidewalk repairs. City crews will be replacing deteriorated concrete pavement east of the bridge in conjunction with the bridge work.

July 17 to July 21: The contractor poured the concrete bridge overlay, which will need to cure this week. They removed and formed the west concrete bridge approach and will form the east. The concrete approaches and pavement will be poured early this week. It is likely the concrete will not obtain adequate strengths by the end of the day on Fri. July 21 st . As a result, it is anticipated that strengths will be adequate by the end of the day on July 24 th . If strengths are obtained earlier, the closure will be removed. Thank you for your patience with this required maintenance work.

Traffic Impacts: Division Street Bridge will be closed to traffic along with one of the sidewalks across the bridge.

Project Limits: 100 Feet east and west of the Division Street Bridge

Western Ave. Bridge (over the West Branch Fond du Lac) Epoxy Overlay – Replacement

Project Duration: Tuesday, July 18 through Thursday July 20th, weather pending

Description: The project includes replacing the deteriorated Epoxy Overlay on the Western Street Bridge deck.  overlay, bridge approaches and sidewalk repairs. City crews will be replacing deteriorated concrete pavement east of the bridge in conjunction with the bridge work.

July 17 to July 21: The contractor will need to close the roadway, both east and westbound at the bridge to remove and replace the epoxy overlay. Weather pending the contractor would remove the existing overlay on Tue. and then installed on layer of epoxy on Wed. and the second layer on Thu. By Friday morning, the roadway should be opened.  Thank you for your patience with this required maintenance work.

Traffic Impacts: Western Ave. Bridge will be closed to traffic until work is completed.

Project Limits: Western Ave. Bridge Deck (over West Branch)

2023 Fond du Lac Concrete Rehabilitation

Schedule: June 28 through August 25

Description: The project includes various concrete pavement, storm inlet, and manhole rehabilitation work. Streets where repair work will occur:

 N Rolling Meadows Drive from Johnson Street to Scott Street

 Fourth Street from Everett Street to National Avenue

July 17 to July 21: Crews will continue to remove deteriorated concrete panels and pouring of concrete patches.

Traffic Impacts: The above streets will have partial closures and lane restriction. Please follow detours in a few locations and be “Cautious” when driving through the work zone, as lane widths are restricted.

Eleventh Street – Park Avenue to Vine Street

Description: The project includes gas main and service relocations, reconstruction of sanitary sewer and laterals, storm sewer and laterals, water main and laterals, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, street lighting and restoration/landscaping.

July 17 to July 21: Contractor will begin Water Services and Sanitary Lateral Extensions

Traffic Impacts: Eleventh Street will be closed to through traffic. Residents, business owners, and customers may access properties past “ROAD CLOSED TO THRU TRAFFIC” signs. It is illegal to drive past a “ROAD CLOSED” sign or to move any construction barricades. Parking is not permitted on the street within the construction zone during working hours.

Division Street – Lincoln Avenue to Railroad Tracks

Description: The project includes gas main and service relocations, reconstruction of sanitary sewer and laterals, storm sewer and laterals, water main and laterals, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, street lighting and restoration/landscaping.

July 17 to July 21: No work anticipated.

Traffic Impacts: Division Street will be closed to through traffic. Residents, business owners, and customers may access properties past “ROAD CLOSED TO THRU TRAFFIC” signs. It is illegal to drive past a “ROAD CLOSED” sign or to move any construction barricades. Parking is not permitted on the street within the construction zone during working hours.

Ledgeview Avenue – Park Avenue to Cottage Ave Dead End

Schedule: May 8 through October

Description: The project includes gas main and service relocations, reconstruction of sanitary sewer and laterals, storm sewer and laterals, water main and laterals, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, street lighting and restoration/landscaping.

July 17 to July 21: Contractor will continue installation of Storm Sewer from Cottage Ave moving west towards Park Ave.

Traffic Impacts: Ledgeview Avenue is closed to through traffic. Residents, business owners, and customers may access properties past “ROAD CLOSED TO THRU TRAFFIC” signs. It is illegal to drive past a “ROAD CLOSED” sign or to move any construction barricades. Parking is not permitted on the street within the construction zone during working hours.

Third Street – Park Avenue to Everett Street

Description: The project includes gas main and service relocations, reconstruction of sanitary sewer and laterals, storm sewer and laterals, water main and laterals, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, street lighting and restoration/landscaping.

July 17 to July 21: No work at this time.

Traffic Impacts: Third Street remains open.

Warner Street – Ruggles Street to Forest Avenue

Description: The project includes gas main and service relocations, reconstruction of sanitary sewer and laterals, storm sewer and laterals, water main and laterals, roadway, sidewalk and approaches, street lighting and restoration/landscaping.

July 17 to July 21: July 10 to July 14: No work at this time.

Traffic Impacts: Warner Street remains open to traffic.

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