7-31-23 special request for a special delivery

On July 29, 2023, the Waupun and Beaver Dam Fire Departments, the Waupun Police Department, the Dodge County Sheriff’s Cadets, and the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office had the honor of being part of a military family reunion. Eugene (Gene) Sanders is a member of the Army National Guard and returned home after a 10-month deployment overseas. Amy Sanders contacted us last week and asked if we would help surprise her son with the return of her husband and stepdad to Miles Sherden.  Miles is a cadet with the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office Cadet program and the Beaver Dam Fire Department Explorer program. He has been a great member to these programs and strong supporter of law
enforcement and fire fighters. So, at Amy’s request, we couldn’t turn down the opportunity to show support for our military members and their families.  Amy had a great plan of convincing Miles she was going out to lunch with another family member and making it just another day. Her plan, however, was to pick up Gene from Truax Field and bring him home.  When they returned to Waupun, Waupun Fire Department had turnout gear for him to put on, and we all lined up. We drove to their home activating lights and sirens. Miles came out wondering what was going on and after a few words, we told him there was a special fireman that wanted to talk to him. Miles was trying to figure out what was going on and Gene was unveiled upon fire fighters stepping to the side. Miles had a slight pause and then realized who the special fireman was. This was followed with a hug and excitement.  All of us are thankful for the sacrifice our military members make to serve our communities and country.   We are all grateful to have been a part of this reunion and welcome home Gene!

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