An Ohio math teacher who believes the 2020 election was stolen from former president Donald Trump brought his message of election fraud to Wisconsin last week, but local election officials and other election experts say his claims are baseless. Dr. Douglas Frank spoke last week at the American Legion Hall in Fond du Lac, and on AM 1170s Between the Lines program said voter rolls are growing faster than the population. “That’s suspicious, especially when around the country there are eight states that have more people on their voter rolls than they have people,” Frank said. Frank added that nefarious actors have access to the rolls and know who is voting, and who is not voting. But Fond du Lac County Clerk Lisa Freiberg says Frank is misinterpreting the data. “Our voter rolls sit around 60,000 and according to the 2020 census we have approximately 15,000-20,000 people in that age range of 18 or older that could be registered to vote that don’t register for whatever reason,” Freiberg told WFDL news. “I did point that out to him (Frank) and he said yeah he could understand that.” Frank alleges that every county’s election results are marred by vote manipulation. Freiberg says Frank’s correlation between his predicted turnout numbers and actual numbers doesn’t add up in Fond du Lac County. “He (Frank) told me these reports would not balance. My reports balanced to a tee.”