A panel of local elected and appointed City of Ripon officials will be the featured speakers on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, at 7:00pm join the League of Women Voters of
the Ripon Area (LWV). The event will be held in the Council Chambers of the City of Ripon Building 100 Jackson Street, Ripon, WI. The event will also be caried on the Ripon Channel YouTube page. The event is free, and the public is encouraged to attend as the League begins our annual programing to help citizens better understand the function and roles of government at both the state and local levels. The panel includes Naomi Miller, Clerk, Adam Sonntag, City Administrator and Ted Grant, Mayor. During its 100+ years the LWV has been a proponent of good government. Our local LWV has been in existence for over 60 years and during that time has provided study and action for good government including, but not limited to: a city administrator form of government, taxi service, economic development recommendations, as well as a multitude of other government practices.
In addition, we have had observers watch local government meetings to ensure things are done properly. Over the past few years what we have observed is a lack of understanding about the role of local government in the lives of residents. This includes both the residents as well as elected officials. Local government has many mandated services from the state and federal levels. Local government may also choose to provide services residents of the area which will benefit quality of life issues. There are also things local government does not do.