9-13-23 ribbon cutting ceremony for all-inclusive playground, miracle league ballpark at plamore park in fdl

Ribbon cutting ceremonies were held Tuesday evening for an all-inclusive playground and  Miracle League ballpark in Fond  du Lac.   The playground and ballpark are located at Plamore Park on West Division Street.  Earlier this year the Fond du Lac city council approved a resolution to allow the city and Brooke Industries to complete financing for the project after initial bids came in over estimate.  Under the agreement Brooke donated an additional $200,000 to address the cost increases.  Fond du Lac Public Works director Paul DeVries says Miracle League baseball is played on a custom-designed field features a cushioned, rubberized,  completely flat surface to prevent injuries and allows access to visually impaired, and  those who use mobility devices.  Meanwhile the playground is completely barrier-free; all-inclusive,  with a rubberized surface, designed for children with physical, cognitive and sensory disabilities.


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