When Lisa Ann French was murdered while trick or treating in Fond du lac on Halloween in 1973, the community was shaken and the annual tradition would be changed forever. No longer would kids trick or treat at night or by themselves. Jean Herbold is a Fond du Lac native and documentary filmmaker who now lives in Vancouver, Washington. Herbold was in Fond du Lac over the weekend filming and interviewing residents about their memories around Halloween and a radio program featuring “the Pumpkin Lady.” Loula Beckman was the owner of WFON radio and involved in community theater when she approached schools and the police department with her idea when she heard the city was considering cancelling trick or treating in 1974. You can find out more about the documentary online at https://thepumkinladyoffonddulac.com/. Herbold says she hopes to have the documentary completed by next Halloween, the 50th anniversary of the Pumpkin Lady.