11-7-23 waupun tractor theft update

Waupun police are continuing their investigation into the theft of a tractor from a business last week.  The 2021 John Deere  tractor with backhoe and frontloader attachments, valued at  $20,000, was stolen last Wednesday night from All Phase Heating, Cooling and Geothermal  in Waupun.   Store owner Jackie Wendlandt says it appears someone actually drove the tractor to a truck stop located across the street.  “You can actually see the tire tracks going through our lawn, across the street, into the field, looped all the way around into the truck stop to be able to load it onto a trailer and drive away,”  Wendlandt told WFDL news.  Waupun Police Chief Scott Louden says detectives are reviewing area  surveillance video.  Anyone with information is asked to call police.

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