12-2-23 santa is coming to fdl public library

The big guy in the red suit, Santa Claus, is returning to the Fond du Lac Public Library on Wednesday, Dec. 6 as the youth services department turns the entire library into a Winter Wonderland.   The Winter Wonderland Celebration will be just one of many events scheduled for youth and teens during December.   Drop into the library Dec. 6 anytime between 4 and 7 p.m. to enjoy crafts and games that will  be sprinkled throughout the library.    Every family that attends will receive a free book to keep, as well as a chance to get a photo with Santa himself.   No registration required for this free event.
Other youth activities planned include:
 Dec. 1 – Feb. 29: Join Fond du Lac Winter Reads for fun activities, prizes, and more. Log your minutes of reading online or on paper cards at the library to earn chances to win. Learn more at fdlpl.org/winterreads
 Friday, Dec. 1 at 1:30 p.m. in the McLane Room: Kids can enjoy the day off with the movie Ice Age and the start of our Winter Reading Program. Eat popcorn and sign up for Winter Reading for a chance to win a prize.
 Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 4:30 p.m. in the McLane Room: Create Button Wreaths during Crafty Kids. Best for ages 4+; no registration required.
 Monday, Dec. 18 at 4:30 p.m. in the Mid-States Room: Learn about how caves are formed, cave animals and more during STEAM Night for youth. No registration required.
 Friday, Dec. 29 at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.: Youth ages 5-12 will learn to paint a fun seasonal scene during Paint-Along. Registration opens Dec. 15 at calendar.fdlpl.org.

 Saturday, Dec. 30 at 11 a.m. in the McLane Room: Join the Noon Year’s Eve Party, where you’ll enjoy a dance party, make party hats and noisemakers, take photos, and ring in the “noon” year with sparkling grape juice. No registration required.

Teens, meanwhile, have plenty planned as well:
 Sunday, Dec. 10 through Saturday, Dec. 16: Register for a Browser’s Cache bag, complete with a checked-out book and more, that can be picked up later in the month. Theme: Winter Tales
 Tuesday, Dec. 5 at 4:30 p.m. in the Mid-States: Drop into Anime Afternoon to see a few episodes of anime and enjoy a few snacks. Cosplay is welcome.
 Tuesday, Dec. 19 at 4:30 p.m. in the Mid-States Room: Create Shrinky Dink Snowflakes during Full STEAM Ahead. No registration required.
 Thursday, Dec. 21 at 4 p.m. in the Teen Area: Ever wanted to try out Magic the Gathering but don’t know where to start? Join other teens for a beginner session, where we’ll go over basics and try out some pre-made decks. No registration required.

For more information about any of these locations, visit fdlpl.org.

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