12-19-23 fdl salvation army christmas distribution

Christmas shines brighter this year for 1100 children and 450 families eligible for the county’s largest gift giving program coordinated by The Salvation Army of Fond du Lac. December 20 The Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds Rec Building houses the massive distribution day.   Distribution Day is the last of a yearlong calendar of The Salvation Army local services that responded to upwards of 36,000 calls for action in 2023.  And 2024 holds something more.   Illness, death, job loss, identity theft, human trafficking, addiction bring people to the brink of eviction and The Salvation Army doorstep in ever increasing number says Captain Christina Champlin, Corps Officer of The Salvation Army.  It takes a circle of resources and trained individuals working together over a period of time for healing & to keep survivors from experiencing homelessness. “Our service begins with supplying food, personal care & hygiene supplies, warm clothes, Christmas gifts. And then we go deeper to address the life altering experience that brought families to our door.  Our work ministers to the heart, resets life’s compass, holds a family together, overcomes addiction, reawakens a sense of worth & purpose.”   133 years of local service, including seven as winter warming shelter host, bring a big picture perspective to a strategy that will tear down circumstances that lead to homelessness  and  uniquely qualifies the army to deliver Fond du Lac County’s First Housing Retention Program.   “It’s the game changer our county has been solving for,” Captain Christina sums up the impact the program builds. The Salvation Army cites the 96% success rate of a similar program running for seven years in Appleton and the $1.6 million taxpayer savings for every 12 people who are successfully served and saved from chronic homelessness.

“We have a lot of work to do, and generous donations from our community help us get that important work done,” Captain Christina said.  The Christmas Kettle Campaign is at 49%.  Every aspect of community is rallying support.

Thru December 31, all donations to the campaign will double up to $116,000.


December 23: Kettle Captains Sunny 97-7 and 95-/96-1 The Rock will broadcast live & collect donations December 23 from  9-11 am at Festival Foods – (actual kettles retire for the year at 6 pm)

MAIL IN TO MATCH (now thru December 31):

Mail/Drop off donations, earmarked “Final Match” at The Salvation Army 237 N. Macy Street, Fond du Lac.   (Secure mailbox provided the building entrance)

The Christmas Kettle Fundraising Campaign has a rich history of funding a string of powerful service innovations. Housing Retention joins Samaritan Free Health Clinic, free summer Brown Bag Lunches, the county’s first sliding fee childcare, Christmas Assistance and Operation Back to School.

 “From where we are, we can see brighter days ahead. Our kettles turned GOLD to celebrate new hope & the kindness that powers it. We know that when we all pull together, there is nothing we can’t overcome,” Captain Champlin finishes. Learn more at safdl.org

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