1-8-24 state park access bill passes out of committee

MADISON – Today, the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy passed SB 415 on a unanimous, bipartisan vote which would require the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to issue state park passes on a 12-month basis. The current system sells passes only for the calendar year they are issued. Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) delivered the following statement on this bipartisan vote:

“Our shared natural spaces shape our state’s character and bolster our economy in so many ways. Anyone who has stepped foot in one of Wisconsin’s beautiful state parks understands their value and importance. Under the current system, access to our parks is not cost effective due to how we issue park passes. Allowing people to get a full 12-months of access will bolster the number of people who can experience the positive benefits provided by our state parks. Keeping our state parks strong, accessible, and public, supports a healthy planet and improves the quality of life for Wisconsinites.

“This bipartisan legislation is a huge step forward toward increasing access to our state parks. I’m encouraged that the committee passed the bill unanimously today, moving it closer to becoming law.”

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