As snow banks build up on the side of the street, the Department of Public Works Solid Waste Division would like to remind residents where to place trash and recycling containers for collection. Please set your trash container on the edge of your driveway approach if it is wide enough, or shovel a spot on the terrace, all the way out to the curb, next to your
driveway apron wide enough to set your trash and recycling carts. The City does not recommend placing carts in the street unless absolutely necessary. Leave three feet of space between your cart and your recyclables, and between any vehicles, signs, tree, lights or mailboxes, for the truck arm to grab the containers. Solid Waste containers cannot be collected from snow banks since the mechanical arms on the trucks cannot reach up to grab them properly. If the arm grasps the container too low on the body, damage to the wheels may occur. Setting the emptied container back on top of the bank will likely result in the container tipping over onto the sidewalk or the street. Waste and recycling collectors are not allowed to climb snow banks to retrieve your containers due to possible injury. Containers facing the wrong way cannot be collected due to possible damage to the lid. The City would remind everyone again that the start time for the refuse collectors is 5:00 A.M. We ask that everyone have their trash set out by that time, or set it out the
night before your collection. Please be advised that carts are required to be removed from the curb the day following collection by 9:00 A.M.