1-18-24 republican rep. mark born votes in favor of healthcare and dental care bills

Madison, WI – The State Assembly convened this week to take action on a series of bills aimed at improving access to healthcare and dental care in Wisconsin. The legislation will streamline the licensure process for several healthcare licenses; allow certain professionals to practice across state lines; ensure access to telehealth services and increase the availability of dental care services throughout Wisconsin.   “I was proud to vote for these bills that will have a real impact on people in our state,” Rep. Born said. “Ensuring our citizens are able to see their dentist or healthcare professional in a timely manner is of critical importance. Collectively, these bills will increase the availability of providers, so our residents have care available when they need it.”    Among the bills that received a vote in the Assembly are:

–          Assembly Bill (AB) 90 requires the Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) to contract with a third-party for processing certain professional licenses

–          AB 143 prohibits DSPS from requiring a duplicative statutes and rules exam for certain professions

–          AB 144 allows for a provisional license for certain healthcare professionals and allows social workers to practice across state lines

–          AB 500 codifies administrative rule, ensuring telehealth providers can practice in Wisconsin without maintaining a physical address in the state

–          AB 665 modifies an existing scholarship program to increase students practicing in dental shortage areas

–          AB 666 allows dentists and dental hygienists to practice across state lines

–          AB 667 disperses funds that were set aside in the budget to technical colleges for improving their dentistry programs

–          AB 668 creates a new dental therapist license

“Each of these bills is aimed at expanding access for Wisconsin residents – whether it is access to dental care, mental healthcare or other specialty care,” Rep. Born added. “These are common-sense solutions to building up our workforce to serve the needs of the people in our state.”

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