1-23-24 senator baldwin marks 51st anniversary of roe v wade

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Monday, Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) is marking the 51st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, which for almost half a century gave women the constitutional right to comprehensive reproductive freedom. Since the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade and nearly 50 years of precedent, Senator Baldwin has been a leading voice for restoring reproductive rights, leading 48 of her colleagues in the Senate in introducing the Women’s Health Protection Act, legislation to restore the right to an abortion. Ahead of the Roe v. Wade anniversary, Senator Baldwin hosted a briefing to highlight the impacts of abortion bans, hear the dire stories of those impacted, and continue advocating for passing her bill to restore the right to abortion nationwide.   “In Wisconsin and across the country, the reality of post-Roe America has been dire. The Dobbs decision has endangered women, inserted judges and politicians into doctor’s offices, and infringed on the basic rights of Americans who are just trying to make their own health care decisions,” said Senator Baldwin. “I am proud to lead the Women’s Health Protection Act to restore the right to abortion nationwide, returning the decision to start a family back to women and their doctors, without interference from the government. Wisconsinites have said loud and clear that they want their rights and freedoms back, and I will not let up on this fight until comprehensive reproductive care is available nationwide.”

WATCH: Senator Baldwin video message on the anniversary of Roe

For 15 months, women in Wisconsin were living under an 1849 statute with virtually no access to abortion services, despite overwhelming support for restoring access. In November, a Marquette Law School poll showed 66% of Wisconsinites think abortion should be legal in all or most cases.   Senator Baldwin has been leading the fight to restore reproductive rights in the wake of the Dobbs decision, leading or co-sponsoring legislation to protect and expand access to abortion care and birth control. These measures include:

  • Women’s Health Protection Act – Senator Baldwin re-introduced her Women’s Health Protection Act with a record number of co-sponsors in March – 48 Senators and 208 House members. The legislation creates federal rights for patients and providers to protect abortion access and creates federal protections against medically unnecessary restrictions that undermine Americans’ access to health care and intrude upon personal decision-making.
  • Right to Contraception Act – Senator Baldwin is a co-sponsor of the Right to Contraception Act, a bill to put into law Americans’ right to contraception, which the Supreme Court first recognized more than half a century ago in its Griswold v. Connecticut decision.
  • Reproductive Health Travel Fund Act – Senator Baldwin introduced this legislation in June to provide women the support they need to access reproductive health services by providing grants to organizations, including abortion funds, to offset the cost of travel-related expenses.
  • My Body, My Data Act – Senator Baldwin is also a co-sponsor of My Body, My Data to protect personal reproductive and sexual health data by minimizing the information collected and retained, and preventing that information from being disclosed or misused. This bill is aimed at preventing people getting, seeking, or facilitating reproductive health care from being at risk of having their digital footprints weaponized against them.
  • Protecting Service Members and Military Families’ Access to Health Care Act – With servicemembers stationed based on the needs of the nation and not personal preference, many serve in states that have banned, restricted, or worked to curtail access to abortion. In response, Senator Baldwin and her colleagues introduced legislation aimed at ensuring service members have access to comprehensive care, regardless of where they are stationed.
  • Reproductive Health Care Training Act – In June, Senator Baldwin introduced legislation to ensure that health care professionals can get the training and education they need to meet Americans’ dire reproductive health care needs. In the wake of the Dobbs decision, medical education institutions face additional obstacles in maintaining their accreditation and ensuring that residents and students receive proper training in abortion care.
  • Convenient Contraception Act – Alongside more than a dozen of her colleagues, Senator Baldwin introduced legislation that would improve access to contraceptive products, including over-the-counter contraceptives. The bill provides individuals covered by private health insurance with the option to receive up to a full year of safe, effective contraception at the time their prescription is issued instead of the current three-month supply or less that is standard in many states.

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