MADISON, Wis. – Today, the results from the 2022 Census of Agriculture were published by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Census of Agriculture is taken every five years in order to aggregate agricultural information for each state including farm size, commodities, and impact. “The census data released today highlights that Wisconsin’s agricultural diversity is our strength,” said Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) Secretary Randy Romanski. “Wisconsin produces an abundance of milk, grains, specialty crops, and livestock.” The state of Wisconsin ranked tenth in the United States for total value of production at $16.7 billion. According to the census, Wisconsin farms had a net farm income of $77,839 in 2022. “Wisconsin is home to more than 58,000 farms, and 95% of those are considered family farms,” said Romanski. “With 13.8 million acres of land dedicated to farming, it is clear that agriculture is still at the heart of our state.” Agriculture in Wisconsin has an impact that goes beyond the commodities produced and the consumers who enjoy Wisconsin food, fuel, and fiber. “Governor Evers declared 2024 the Year of the Worker, and this administration has been working for years to involve youth in and create additional career pathways for agriculture,” continued Romanski. “The data released today shows that about 10% of Wisconsin producers are younger than 35 years old. Agriculture is a dynamic employer in Wisconsin, and we will continue to work with the industry to make additional connections.” “Thank you to the producers who completed the census making Wisconsin the second highest response rate in the nation and to NASS who worked to aggregate and publish the census data,” concluded Romanski. Additional information on the 2022 Census of Agriculture is available at