3-13-24 senator feyen statement on bills passing senate

Madison, WI – State Senator Dan Feyen (R-Fond du Lac) released the following statement after the Senate’s final floor period of the session.

“As Chair of the Senate Committee on Economic Development and Technical Colleges, one of my main focuses this session has been the workforce challenges faced by our business community. That is why I am especially excited that the Senate passed Assembly Bill 627 today on a bipartisan vote.    “I’ve often said that Wisconsin needs to bring more people into our state to fill all of the high-paying jobs we have available. But, we are unable to do this without somewhere to live or a dependable child care facility or daycare to send their children to. In addition to refocusing the Business Development Tax Credit on capital expenditures, AB 627 adds a 15% credit on a businesses’ investment into workforce housing or a childcare facility. This will help to get the business community involved in solving both our housing and childcare issues.   “Two more bills voted on today will help expand opportunity and spur investment into our State’s startup community. Startups are the #1 creator of new jobs and anything we can do to help grow innovation in Wisconsin is good for our economy. AB 932 and 933 will go a long ways to ensure our Wisconsin startup ecosystem is vibrant and strong.   “I am happy we were able to get these bills through the legislative process and sent to the Governor for his signature.”    Feyen will be a guest Wednesday on AM 1170s Between the Lines program.

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