3-14-24 ballweg welcomes senate scholar

Madison… Senator Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) welcomed 2024 Senate Scholar Alyssa Durrant to the Wisconsin State Senate yesterday. Alyssa, a senior from Waupaca High School, met with Senator Ballweg and had the opportunity to observe the senate session.  “I enjoyed meeting with Alyssa at the Capitol,” stated Ballweg. “I am happy to meet with Senate Scholars. It’s a great opportunity for students to visit the Capitol on a day we are in session.”   The Senate Scholar program is a week-long intensive educational program that is offered by the state senate. Students admitted to the program are academically exceptional high school juniors and seniors. There are only 33 students admitted to the program every year, where they get a hands-on, up-close view of the legislature.   High school seniors with exceptional leadership skills in the 14th Senate District are reminded to apply for the 20th Annual Joan Ballweg Leadership Scholarship. The deadline for applications is Friday, March 29, 2024. Scholarship packets are available in area high school guidance offices, online at https://legis.wisconsin.gov/senate/14/ballweg and by contacting Senator Ballweg’s office for an application packet by calling (608) 266-0751 or e-mailing sen.ballweg@legis.wisconsin.gov.

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