3-18-24 disability advocacy day

(MADISON) – More than 300 members of the disability community from all parts of Wisconsin plan to rally on March 20 for the Survival Coalition’s annual Disability Advocacy Day. Grassroots advocates will gather at the Monona Terrace for issue discussions and planning before making the walk to the Capitol to visit their state legislators and share how the issues impact their lives as Wisconsin residents.  This year’s goal is to ensure legislators understand that children and adults with disabilities, older adults and their families are facing significant challenges to health, safety, and living in their own homes underfunding of Wisconsin’s long- term care services. Advocates will also share the importance of protecting voting rights, supporting special education, mental health services and ensuring transportation is available for non-drivers.  “Wisconsin’s average in home direct care worker’s starting wage, at times, is 50% less than that of their peers beginning work at facilities, hospitals, or institutions.  These low community-based wages continue to fuel the community workforce crisis, increase waiting lists, bottleneck hospital discharge efforts, and make it almost impossible for remain at home.”   said co-chair Patti Becker.    “Aging family members are sacrificing their jobs, their health, and their retirements to cover the gaps. If we want to keep people in their homes and communities where they want to be, Wisconsin needs to compensate home-based workers the same as those doing the same work in facilities,” said co-chair Beth Swedeen   ” New threats to voting rights are creating added barriers for people with disabilities to exercise their right to vote.  We ask our policy makers to work with us to make our elections more accessible and inclusive – not more restrictive”, said co-chair Kit Kerschensteiner.  Disability Advocacy Day is organized by the Survival Coalition of more than 20 statewide disability organizations that advocate and support policies and practices that lead to the full inclusion, participation, and contribution of people living with disability.

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