Calling all artists! The Ripon Noon Kiwanis and Ripon College Circle K clubs are pleased to announce, as part of the yearlong 100th anniversary celebration of Noon Kiwanis, an open Community Art Show. The show will be held in the Ripon High School commons on Saturday, April 13 th , from 5:30-7:00 PM. This show is open to ages from Kindergarten through Adult and is free for all who enter. The entry form can be found on social media posts from Noon Kiwanis and Circle K, on the Noon Kiwanis website. Photo of submissions need to be uploaded via the form by midnight, April 5 th to be included with the Art Show.
Entries will be displayed by age category:
Participant levels are: K-2, 3-5, MS-HS, College-Adult Artwork to be shown may include: Drawing, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Pottery, Fiber
Judging will be held with local artists doing the adjudicating. Certificates and prizes could be awarded, based on the judge’s scoring. Criteria will be age level appropriate.
For more details please go to: show.