4-8-24 waupun mayor column

Hello Waupun!
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for re-electing me as your mayor with 98% of your votes! I truly appreciate your support and work really, really hard at this job. I do believe Waupun is the greatest little city in the state of Wisconsin, and I love it more than any other place in the world. It’s been my honor to serve as your mayor!
Waupun faces several challenges, but together, as a community, we will tackle them. I’m proud of what we accomplished in our first term; re-branding as Wisconsin’s City of Sculpture, celebrating the centennial of the Recording Angel, displaying our city flag at city buildings, replacing the railroad crossing, changing garbage companies, killing the transportation utility fee, working to buy local, seeing the explosion in business in our downtown, the mega growth happening in our industrial park, the completion of the new waste water treatment plant, IceFest, the resurgence of the summer parks program, and keeping Waupun one of Wisconsin’s safest cities; and of course our delicious water!
The next big issue you’ll be seeing us tackle is the fire department staffing study. This includes the community’s expectations for both ambulance and fire response, and what will the costs be, and what does Waupun have to do moving forward.  This is not an attempt to go to a full time department, however, with the shortage of volunteers and a shortage of people who can leave work to respond to 911 calls, we may need more staff. The staffing study will be released at an upcoming fire meeting and will be the topic of an intergovernmental meeting later in April.
Finally, we had a late season snow storm. I would like to thank both the crews at public works and utilities for all they did to keep the lights on and the streets open. It was terrible weather to work in, but one of the things that makes Waupun such a great little city are our amazing employees. As mayor I try to have their backs and am proud to say I haven’t laid one city employee off. I may not be able to pay them what they deserve, but they do have my full appreciation.
Once again, thank you for entrusting me with the key to the city!
Thank you and God Bless,
Mayor Rohn

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