Employers across various industries, including office, service, manufacturing, healthcare, and other professional positions, will be looking for their next new hires at the Fox Cities
Employment Fair from 10 am – 2 pm on Wednesday, May 22, at the Fox Cities Exhibition Center, 355 W Lawrence, Appleton. Job seekers of all skill levels can connect directly with hiring managers and learn about available positions. Some companies might even conduct on-site interviews, making this event a fantastic chance to make an immediate impact. “Roles range from entry level to more skilled, seasonal, temporary, full and part-time. All job seekers regardless of age, education and work experience are welcome,” said Anthony Snyder, CEO of Fox Valley Workforce Development Board, sponsor of the event. “Some employers will offer on-site interviews while others will be accepting resumes and will schedule interviews at a later date. It’s not often you get to hand your resume right to a human being, versus submitting it online. These will be real companies with real positions available and it’s a unique opportunity for job seekers to connect directly with companies from across our region, so we urge job seekers to take full advantage.”
Job seekers are encouraged to bring resumes to share. A complete list of employers registered as of May 1 is available at www.foxvalleywork.org/jobfair.html. Individuals
interested in a resume refresh are urged to contact the Fox Cities Job Center – Menasha at 920-997-3272. Appointments can be made for in-person or virtual sessions. In addition, job center staff are holding several opportunities for in-person meetings at the Fond du Lac and Oshkosh public libraries. Please visit the job center web site for more information. All job seekers visiting a minimum of five (5) employers will receive a free lunch. Stop at the registration table when you arrive for more details. Questions about the job fair should be directed to Bobbi Miller at Fox Valley Workforce Development Board at bmiller@fvwdb.com or via phone/text at 920-470-0837. Pre-registration is not required.