The Ripon Noon Kiwanis is taking the community out to the ballgame this Fourth of July, with their first Community Softball game; Thursday, July 4 th on the Diedrich Agency
Field/Diamond 1 at Murray Park. The game will be 16” slow-pitch softball, open to participants ages 12 and older; no gloves required (but allowed). Registration starts at 5pm, the game will start at 6pm. Registration is $10 per player. Players may signup individually or note if they’re a signing-up with family or friends and the Kiwanis will place them on the same team. Players may bring their own bats. Appropriate footwear is required (no sandals/flipflops or cleats) to avoid injury; and best sportsmanship expected of all players.
The Kiwanis will also be selling concessions during the game, serving up Sloppy Joes, Hotdogs and Popcorn. Registration forms are available at the Ripon Public Library and Webster’s Marketplace. Players can also register online or download and print a registration form at:
Printed registration forms with fee should be mailed to: Ripon Noon Kiwanis, PO Box 504, Ripon, WI 54971.
The Ripon Noon Kiwanis is celebrating its 100 th anniversary in 2024! The Noon Kiwanis meets Tuesdays at Noon, at the First Congregational Church during the summer, and the
Ripon College during the school year.