A Watertown woman was seriously injured in a domestic related stabbing incident over the weekend. The incident happened early Friday evening at a residence in the town of Shields. The 36 year old victim received multiple lacerations and is in stable condition at a hospital. The 38 year old suspect barricaded himself inside the residence. About seven hours later the Dodge County SWAT team entered the home and took the man into custody. The Sheriff’s Office received assistance from the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office SWAT, Watertown Police ERT, and equipment loaned and operated by the Fond du Lac Police Department. Sheriff Dale Schmidt says he would like to stress to the public “how proud the community should be of all who were involved in this incident.” “Communications officers obtained and relayed vital information quickly and accurately. Responding deputies performed lifesaving efforts putting themselves in harm’s way to perform those lifesaving efforts while simultaneously ensuring that the suspect was not able to flee from the scene protecting the public,” Schmidt said. Schmidt says tactical teams worked together to slowly and methodically approach and take a dangerous subject into custody who was believed to be armed and dangerous. The sheriff says “great care was taken to ensure the subject was taken into custody with out unnecessary risk to him or our law enforcement staff.” This case remains under investigation and the individual is currently being provided treatment by medical staff. Schmidt says once he is medically cleared and interviews conducted, determinations will be made on appropriate charges against the perpetrator.