Beginning Monday, dumpsters have been placed at the City of Waupun Public Works Garage, located at 903 N Madison Street, for residents to bring damaged materials. The city is unable to accept hazardous materials (solvents, paints, etc.) and appliances. Dumpsters can be accessed between 6 am and 7 pm daily and are located along the north side of the facility between the red training tower and the garage. Dumpsters will be available through the week and then the city will assess if this needs to be extended. Residents who are unable to move damaged items to the dumpsters should contact City Hall at 920.324.7915. The City is currently tracking a list of people interested in volunteering and will share any resource available to those in need of assistance. Residents interested in volunteering should stop by 201 E Main Street or contact City Hall at 920.324.7915 to complete a volunteer information sheet.