The chairman of the Republican Party of Fond du Lac County says following the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump now is the time for unity, not a time to assign any blame. On AM 1170s Between the Lines program Timothy Bachleitner read a prepared statement following the shooting over the weekend in Pennsylvania. “Our hearts are heavy with concern and our thoughts and prayers are with president Trump and his family,” Bachleitner read. “…at this time it’s neither wise nor prudent to speculate on the motive or to assign any blame. Instead we must focus on a measured response to one that demonstrates our strength and steadfastness.” Bachleitner says it’s a time for the country to come together. “I think we are all kind of looking for someone to give us the answers right now and I think we should look right toward that man (Trump) who even after he got shot and was punctured by a bullet, he got up off the ground and he caused all of us to look toward him and to have strength. And when he had the time to reflect he said we need to look toward God because he’s the one alone that gets credit that this day is going to be a day of strength.” Bachleitner says now is a time for solidarity and compassion, not division and discord.