7-17-24 panel recommends removing ex-chancellor from wisconsin college faculty post for making porn videos

FILE – This undated photo provided by University of Wisconsin system shows UW-La Crosse Chancellor Joe Gow. A University of Wisconsin-La Crosse faculty committee released a report Friday, July 12, 2024, recommending that Gow be removed from his faculty position over his involvement in adult entertainment. (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse via AP, File)

A faculty committee has recommended that a former chancellor of the University of Wisconsin at La Crosse be removed from his tenured position over his involvement in adult entertainment. The committee’s unanimous decision last week sets up a vote by the University of Wisconsin’s Board of Regents to fire Joe Gow. Gow is on paid leave because he holds a tenured faculty appointment and wants to return to teaching. The regents fired Gow as chancellor in December 2023 for creating pornographic videos posted on adult websites. Gow says his First Amendment rights protect his activities.

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