For those of you who were unable to attend the Fond du Lac Women’s Chorus concert last spring. Come and see a repeat performance next Tuesday, July 23, 6:15 at Nazareth Court Center and Assisted Living, 375 Gillet Street, Fond du Lac. The chorus performs 2 public concerts a year as well as nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other other venues per request. The chorus will also hold its annual dessert sale on Wednesday, August 14 at Buttermilk Park from 6- 9pm. Next season beginning in September, The Fond du Lac Women’s Chorus will celebrate ots 75th anniversary making it the 2nd oldest musical organization in Fond du Lac. Founded in 1949 and performing its first public concert on Mothers Day of 1950, the chorus has entertained many audiences through the years. Any woman who loves to sing is welcome to join. The Fond du Lac Women’s Chorus is under the direction of Zachary Ball with Priscilla Ehlert as accompanist. Watch for further details regarding the chorus rehearsal schedule and location of rehearsals. Meanwhile, questions about the chorus may be directed to Julie by calling her at 920-922-1568 or by emailing her at