7-24-24 waupun mayor column

Hello Waupun!
As you know I have been working to make code enforcement more of a priority during my time as mayor. I find it super annoying that while we have so much going on in Waupun, and so many small businesses investing in our city, that we have a few dilapidated buildings with lousy owners, who apparently have no shame mucking up our community. The biggest eyesore is of course the old Golden Cup building on the corner of Main and Madison.   That building sits on the main intersection of our city, and with so many cool things going on all around it, it continues to sit there, as an eyesore.  Last year, after the cops were called in to investigate a fly infestation downtown caused by that building having garbage piled up, I personally got involved.  I held a press conference outside the building and had the city issue every citation we could, as the building had numerous violations.  The owner of the building came to Waupun to yell at me, but I didn’t care. The owners worked to ‘barely’ get that building up to code and they promised me it would be an operating restaurant “soon.”     Well, a year later here it sits, and once again we have trash piling up and flies moving in.  I’m not putting up with this anymore.  The building owner is being cited and the police are constantly monitoring the situation.  My guess is that the owner will once again visit Waupun, call me names, and do the bare minimum to be up to code.  It’s a shame he doesn’t just sell it to someone who cares about Waupun.    Last year, that building owner and the residents told me that what Waupun needed more than anything was a new Mayor. I told them we have elections and that they’re free to challenge me, and to bring it.  He didn’t run against me.  I assure you as mayor, I will use every power the city has, up to and including eminent domain, to clean that up. Waupun’s downtown business owners, who are doing so much to improve Waupun, deserve better.
We’re also using all our city powers to clean up the building on 17 N. Madison St. This building too had trash piling up, unkept weeds, unsafe steps, doors that don’t close, a leaky shower, an illegal business sign, and just an overall dumpy appeal. What’s so sad is that these two buildings are located in a central business district that is booming.  We have new business coming in on both north and south Madison Street. Also, the Green Collar Groomers is doing a beautiful building remodel to have the old gas station look.   As you can tell, I’m passionate about supporting our downtown community as they invest in our city.  More good news. The old Schrank Clinic building that I’ve been harping on to get cleaned up is being sold and fixed up.  Yay!   Sadly, because of inflation,  the council decided to change its mind and not reroof the city hall or tuck point the Carnegie Library building where we house the historical society. These were two projects I pushed to be in the budget. I think it’s a bad look that the city isn’t investing in our older buildings downtown when so many business owners are.   Finally, we’ve been in talks with the railroad about repairing the Lincoln Street crossing and the council did agree to the city doing the blacktop work, while the railroad removes and replaces old track. Hopefully we do this yet this year, but it might be next year.  Waupun has a lot going on, a lot of really cool things happening, and while I usually am more positive and love promoting our city, sometimes I have to do the ‘not-so-fun’ parts of this job.
Thank you Waupun,
Mayor Rohn

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