7-26-24 milwaukee brewers recognize ssm health st. agnes hospital emergency department nurse

Dyson Nunn, RN, an SSM Health St. Agnes Hospital Emergency Department charge registered nurse, received the surprise of a lifetime thanks to family and friends as he was recognized by the Milwaukee Brewers as the “Hero of the Game” on July 11, 2024.  Dyson was nominated by Lucas Lacrosse, a fellow lead Emergency Department charge registered nurse.  As Hero of the Game, Dyson was recognized for his 18 years of military service. Dyson’s recognition shared:
“Please join in recognizing Retired Sergeant 1st Class Dyson Nunn for 18 years of military service. Dyson served seven years active-duty Army as a combat medic specialist and continued his service with the Wisconsin National Guard retiring in 2013 as a sergeant first class.  Sergeant Nunn has been on a total of two deployments in Kosovo and Iraq from 2006-2007. Sergeant Nunn has received many awards including the Bronze Star for his contributions during Operation Iraqi Freedom.  Dyson continues to serve his community today as a registered nurse in the Emergency Department at SSM Health St. Agnes Hospital in Fond du Lac. This recognition is celebrated with his friends and family at today’s game. The Brewers thanks you for your service and hope you enjoy today’s ball game.”

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