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8-8-24 senator feyen responds to third-party mailers and ads

todayAugust 7, 2024

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Fond du Lac- State Senator Dan Feyen released a statement regarding an independent third-party group spending money opposing his opponent in the primary election on August 13th for the 20th State Senate District. 

“First and foremost, I have nothing to do with nor am I associated with this independent expenditure group’s recent mailings and advertisements.  I have run a positive campaign, never once attacking my opponent, despite his constant allegations against me on social media.  I have been talking about my past record, and what I hope to accomplish in the future.  I have seen these mailers and researched the citations that accompany them. Please read the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article dated April 11th, 2022 and you need to decide for yourself.  My opponent is quoted in the article. If the citation is inaccurate, then I call on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel to print a retraction and the Stronger Wisconsin Fund to stop using this citation in their advertisements.” 

“I understand how my opponent feels, in 2016 I felt the same way, I was attacked by a liberal group for retweeting something that the US Speaker Of The House posted on twitter.  I was attacked with over a million dollars in negative ads by an independent expenditure group named, The Greater Wisconsin Committee and Prosperity For Everyday People.  I overcame the negative ads by talking directly with voters, knocking on over 20,000 doors in my senate district.  It’s called campaigning.  This negative campaigning is what’s wrong with politics today and why so many good people choose not to run for office.  I’d also like to call on my opponent to denounce his personal attacks and threats on me and my campaign.  We need to figure out a way to keep things positive, bring our party together and talk about yourself and what you can accomplish when elected, I’m proud of my record, said State Senator Dan Feyen.   

Written by: Radio Plus

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