9-16-24 waupun mayor column

Hallo Waupun!
(That’s hello in German)  This weekend is Volksfest, and I hope to see you at the ice arena (old community center) all weekend long, but especially at the opening ceremonies at 10am on Saturday.  There’s Bingo at 3 on Friday, a fish fry, and then Kiwanis Club Breakfast on Saturday morning.   You may have noticed that the water levels at the Mill Pond and the Rock River, upriver, are considerably lower than usual and keep falling. Contrary to what you may have heard, this wasn’t done to help me catch fish, the dam is broken. There is a bypass valve and pipe that allows city crews to release pressure on the dam during high water/flooding events. As we all know, we’ve been using it a lot lately, and something just broke and gave way. The current valve and pipe were installed in 1974. The DNR is working with the city to fix this issue, and recommended we let the water level fall enough to where it’s easier to work on repairing it. With the dry conditions, hopefully that won’t take too long.   This week at our city council meeting, we heard from Waupun Junior/Senior High School Principal Julie Schmidt. She gave city leaders an update about all the great things happening at our Waupun schools, and the cool things students and staff are accomplishing.   Speaking of schools, you’ve all heard about the “false alarm” lockdown that took place on Wednesday. While it’s unfortunate that it happened, I know that school and police officials are using it as an educational tool to learn from and improve policies and procedures. I’ve heard stories about teachers and staff who dropped everything to make sure students were safe, and other teachers who kept students calm and protected during the event. Waupun is fortunate to have a staff that’s very dedicated to our kids and keeping them safe. I want to thank our teachers and all school staff for what they do for our kids!  We’re close to opening the new Community Center building and approved the new policies and procedures manual for the building. We are asking the Recreation Board to take a second look at the policy as it won’t allow any alcohol in the building. I’ve heard from a few local groups that would like to rent the center for fundraising purposes, and hosting events there that would have alcohol sales. If you have a strong opinion one way or the other, contact your alderperson and let them know.    Finally, a point of personal privilege. I’d like to wish my awesome wife a very happy birthday on Sunday, and a happy anniversary on Monday!
Thank you and I’ll see ya at Volksfest!
Mayor Rohn

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