Proceeds from this year’s Love Lights, presented by the Agnesian HealthCare Foundation, will help increase public access to automated external defibrillators (AEDs) within local communities. Sudden cardiac arrest can happen to anyone. It’s a life-threatening condition that can occur at anytime, anywhere. The most common arrhythmia is ventricular fibrillation, in which the heart’s electrical impulses suddenly become chaotic and ineffective. Blood flow to the brain abruptly stops; the victim then collapses and quickly loses consciousness. Death usually follows unless a normal heart rhythm is restored within minutes. An automated external defibrillator (AED), which can be used by a lay person, “shocks” the heart back into normal rhythm. They are vital medical tools that can save lives each year. Having access to an AED and knowing how to use one is critical. The average response time for first responders once 911 is called is eight to 12 minutes, and for each minute defibrillation is delayed, the odds of survival are reduced by approximately 10%. “Since 2008, the Agnesian HealthCare Foundation has provided more than 260 AEDs to local service organizations, EMS groups, churches, non-profits, and businesses,” according to Kim Laws, Agnesian HealthCare Foundation director of development and interim leader. “Through this year’s Love Lights, we will raise funds to continue our community-wide efforts to place AEDs at businesses and other public locations. By participating in this lifesaving initiative, we can take a bold step in making our community a safer place to live and work.” Individuals can support Love Lights by purchasing a light in honor of someone they wish to remember or celebrate during the holiday season. This light will shine on the beautifully lit evergreen in front of SSM Health St. Agnes Hospital. The names of those honored and remembered will be displayed through the holiday season by visiting givetossmhealth.org/ lovelightsfdl. Love Lights can be purchased for $10 each by visiting givetossmhealth.org/ lovelightsfdl or calling the Agnesian HealthCare Foundation at 920-926-5418. In addition, the Foundation also offers Angel Lights ($150 and above) for interested individuals. All donations of $150 and above will have a special designation on the online Love Lights tribute page.