The Ripon Noon Kiwanis (RNK) is holding their annual Holiday Cheese Box Sale, through the month of November! “Our club is delighted to be offering our holiday cheese boxes again this year,” said Noon Kiwanis President, Brian Reilly. “Our cheese sale is one of the major fundraisers we do to help support our projects throughout the year.” Those projects include the Noon Kiwanis’ annual free Children’s Fair in June; a recurring high school scholarship, the Toy Lending Library, and collaborating with the Early Bird Kiwanis and Fond du Lac County on the upcoming all-inclusive playground at Riggs Park. The RNK is offering a Family size box, for $35, containing a 12 oz. sausage, Port Wine Cheese Spread, a package of Muenster, Medium Cheddar, and String Cheese. The Medium size box for $25 includes a package of Muenster, Medium Cheddar and a 12 oz Sausage.
The cheese boxes make excellent gifts and will be ready just in time for the holidays! Order deadline is November 30th, with orders ready for pick-up or delivery Wednesday, December 11 th at Divine Passage Funeral Home. Orders can be places online at: or download and print an order form from the
Noon Kiwanis website and mail your order form to: Ripon Noon Kiwanis, PO Box 504, Ripon, WI 54971 to complete your order. The Ripon Noon Kiwanis is dedicated to serving the youth of our community and has been serving Ripon since 1924. Questions about the Holiday Cheese Sale or other upcoming Kiwanis events, email .