Food safety experts say safely serving a holiday feast takes planning and know how. Tainted turkey, undercooked stuffing and germ-laced gravy from holiday buffets have all led to past illnesses and even deaths. Fond du Lac County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller says it all starts with properly thawing the turkey. “It needs to thaw about 24 hours for every 4-5 pounds of weight in a refrigerator,” Mueller said. Mueller says if you’re running out of time you can thaw a frozen turkey under running cold water. Mueller says do not wash your turkey before preparing it for the oven. She says the water that hits the turkey could spray onto surfaces you use to prepare your food and it is contaminated. Keep side dishes and leftovers out of the critical “danger zone” of temperatures that allow bacteria to grow. Be careful to clean and sanitize all kitchen surfaces and tools. And keep raw poultry from mingling with uncooked foods.