Hello Waupun! And Merry Christmas !
This will most likely be the final Mayor’s Column of 2024, as I’ll be busy with family Christmas obligations, church, and Christmas break. If anything important happens, I can always write one more, but otherwise you will hear from me in January.
Looking back on 2024 I can say it was a challenging year, and I for one am looking forward to 2025. While it has been a challenging year, Waupun is doing great, and the future looks bright. Entering the new year, Waupun has opened the new Community/Senior Center, we’re finally ordering a new fire truck, we’re fixing up the Carnegie Library and City Hall, the Library opened the new study pod, and our Police Department is almost fully staffed. Our city is also investigating storm water management issues, investing into improving the alley between Madison and Mill Streets, and while baseball has begun with turf replacement, the ice arena should be getting a new floor refrigeration system this Spring!
In 2024 Waupun hosted our first Ice Fest and launched the new Sculpture Tour. We opened the Food Truck Alley and repaired two more railroad crossings!
Following up on the Sculpture Tour, a community effort is underway to purchase Rosie the Riveter and celebrate Waupun’s Rivet history and our unique role in World War Two. We’re under $5,000 to the goal of buying her, we’re so close! If you would like to make a donation to help keep Rosie in Waupun, please let us know.
This week we had a police car get hit by another vehicle. Our officer was not at fault and is okay, but it is a reminder that many drivers are distracted. I know we’ve had close calls with utilities and DPW staff when out on the roads, and this isn’t the first time a police car has been hit. I want to thank our city staff and department heads for all they do for Waupun, and I would just ask everyone to just drive carefully. Also, look out for pedestrians in the crosswalk. 

Finally, thank you to my wife Jenny for putting up with another year of my crazy busy schedule. Having two smaller kids involved in dance, youth group, school, and a husband who is the Mayor is no easy task. Some days we only see each other in passing, but in the end it’s a team effort to do it all, and I’m thankful for her.
Once again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Mayor Rohn