Fond du Lac’s ADVOCAP says the Opportunity Center was opened last fall as a new tool to help break the cycle of poverty. ADVOCAP special initiatives manager Brenda Hull says in the two months since opening the center, ADVOCAP has assisted over 100 individuals. Hull says the center is an innovative, safe space for low income Fond du Lac residents to get individualized support on their path to long-term self-sufficiency. “I think there are a lot of things that go unnoticed in our community. I have been in the field for 15 years and this is larger than I’ve ever seen,” Hull told WFDL news. “What we saw with our homeless population was a small amount on Main Street, but it’s all over our community.” She says the center targets support in four areas…basic needs, shelter assistance, employment support and mental health and wellness. Hull says the goal is lifting people out of poverty and into lives of dignity, stability and success.