3-25-25 ripon area community theater auditions

Ripon Area Community Theatre (RACT) will hold open auditions for An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley Monday and Tuesday, April 14 and 15 at 7:00 PM in the Congregational Church, 220 Ransom Street. Auditionees should use the north entrance adjacent to the parking lot and climb the stairs to the Fellowship Hall on the main floor. An elevator is available near the foot of the stairway.   The cast consists of a businessman, his wife and the inspector who are all “middle-aged” (between 40 to 60 years old), their two grown children (20s), the daughter’s fiancé (early 30s), and the maid (any age).  The family is celebrating the engagement of the young couple when an inspector arrives to inquire about their connections to a young woman who has recently died.  As he probes their familiarity with the deceased, greater and darker secrets unravel from the Birling tapestry.  The audition process will be reading aloud short scenes from the play with other auditionees for the director. No memorized monologues are required or expected. Please arrive by 7:00  PM so the auditions can start punctually. Copies of the script are available to read in-library (not for check-out) at the circulation desk of the Ripon Public Library. Auditionees who have questions or concerns may contact the play’s director, Dr. Robert Amsden at 920-602-0580 or Thomas Bakken, RACT Production Manager, at syntaxintherain@gmail.com.   The play will open in the Ripon High School auditorium with evening performances on Friday and Saturday June 6 and 7 at 7:00 PM, and a matinee on June 8 at 2:00 PM.  RACT is always open to new members, not just actors.  Please contact us if you are interested in assisting with costumes, props, set construction, sound, lights, stage management or front of house duties. You may contact one of the people listed above or come to the auditions to complete a tech information form.  The Ripon Area Community Theatre is a sponsored program of the Ripon Noon Kiwanis Club.

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