3-26-25 fdl school officials explore pilot artificial intelligence security at fdl high school

Fond du Lac school officials are considering a pilot safety program involving artificial intelligence at Fond du Lac High School.   Chief Academic Officer and the next superintendent, Matt Steinbarth, says AI technology would be included in the security upgrades that are part of the operations referendum on the April ballot.  “”We’re not going to do something if it doesn’t make sense and we want to do some research with our local law enforcement and does this make sense for all schools,”  Steinbarth said.  “If it prevents one thing, to me, that’s worth it.”    “If it prevents one thing from happening that’s worth it for our students and our staff.”  Fond du Lac County District Attorney Eric Toney says AI technology can detect firearms on a person before they enter a building, giving law enforcement and first responders a “heads up to help avert violence.”

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