7-31-23 governor evers issues 96 pardons

Gov. Tony Evers announced that he has granted another 96 pardons, bringing his total number of pardons granted to 1,029. This round of pardons breaks the Wisconsin record for most pardons granted by a governor in state history, surpassing former Gov. Julius Heil’s record of pardoning 943 individuals between 1939 and 1943.   “Since re-establishing the pardon process during my first term in office, it’s been a privilege to hear about the lives, hard work, and contributions of so many to overcome their past mistakes, seek redemption and forgiveness, and give back to their communities,” said Gov. Evers. “Hearing about these individuals’ stories and their efforts to make amends has been extraordinary. I’m grateful for the work of the Pardon Advisory Board and my administration to give these 1,029 individuals a second chance, and I look forward to continuing this critical work in the years ahead.”   The Wisconsin Constitution grants the governor the power to pardon individuals convicted of a crime. A pardon is an official act of forgiveness that restores rights lost when someone is convicted of a felony, including the right to serve on a jury, hold public office, and hold certain professional licenses. A pardon does not expunge court records.

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