10-16-23 city of fdl leaf collection

The City of Fond du Lac’s annual leaf collection will begin on Monday October 16, 2023 with crews starting in  the northeast section of the city. The collection will proceed in a clockwise direction – to the southeast, southwest, and northwest sections. The crews typically will be able to make three complete rounds of the city during the October and November months.  For collection purposes, Main Street divides the city into east and west halves, and Western Avenue and Fourth Street divides the city into north and south halves.  The map will be available on the City’s website indicating the progress collection crews have made to date.  Beginning Monday, October 16, visit the City website at http://www.fdl.wi.gov/ and click on “Leaf Collection Progress Map” under “Important Notices”. The map will show which areas have been covered by collection crews, and arrows will indicate which direction the crews will be moving. The map will be updated toward the end of each work day.  The Public Works Department anticipates that crews will complete at least three clockwise sweeps through the city this fall, weather permitting. During the first round of collection, raking by the crew is limited. During the third pass, more attention is paid to final cleanup.  As an alternative to the collection, residents may haul their leaves to the City’s yard waste drop off site located on the north side of the Municipal Service Center located at 530 Doty Street. Bags must be emptied and disposed of properly at the site.
 Leaves should be raked in rows next to the curb for collection by City crews.
 As are REMINDER City Code prohibits leaves and other materials to be placed in the street or
 City crews will not pick up leaves in plastic bags.
 Park vehicles and garbage carts away from leaf windrows.
 Your garbage cart is for garbage only. Do not place leaves inside the automated garbage collection carts.
 Cut garden material such as vines and corn stalks into lengths of one foot or less.
 Fruit and vegetables (such as apples or pumpkins) will not be collected. These should be disposed of at the City’s yard waste drop off site on Doty Street.   Some streets are still under construction at this time. City crews will make every effort to get in to those areas still under construction, or will make a thorough cleanup later in the season after the construction is completed.  As leaf collection draws to close, a cut off date will be established and published. Any leaves needing to be disposed of after that date should be brought to the City’s yard waste drop off site.  A Green Alternative: Leave ‘em Lay!

As an alternative to raking leaves to the curb, residents are encouraged to try mulching up moderate amounts  of leaves with a lawnmower. This can be done during normal lawn mowing. Just don’t allow the leaves to mat and make sure that ample grass shows through them. This will save you work and time, add nutrients to your lawn, reduce windblown leaves in your neighborhood and reduce the amount of labor and fuel the City needs to use for leaf collection. If you really like to rake, composting your leaves in a backyard garden is another alternative which will provide you with useful organic material next year.  Anyone who wishes to receive full seven cubic yard loads of leaves should contact the Municipal Service Center at 322-3544.

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