8-17-24 former fdl city council, state assembly candidate charged with identity theft bound over for trial

A former candidate for Fond du Lac city council and state assembly accused of using his business partners’ identities to make charges on credit cards he set up in their names has been bound over for trial.    Lawrence Foster is charged with four counts of misappropriating ID information to obtain money and one count of identity theft.  Probable cause was found at a preliminary hearing Thursday.  Foster’s attorney told the judge it was a business dispute.  According to a criminal complaint cash advances were made to several suspicious locations,  all associated with Foster, on an American Express Card, and two charges were made on a Capital One card to Foster’s business REVCOM.    A local dentist office, that was an IT- website client , says Foster overbilled the company approximately $19,000, according to the complaint.   According to the complaint REVCOM is also accused of making over $26,000 in unauthorized withdrawals from the bank account of The ARC of Fond du Lac.   After borrowing money from  another downtown business to reimburse the organization REVCOM is accused of making unauthorized credit card billings.  The business that loaned Foster the money said he never paid them back.  The ARC terminated their IT service agreement with REVCOM last August.  The charges carry a maximum penalty of 24 years in prison and $40,000 in fines.

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