The director of the Fond du Lac ADVOCAP Head Start program says president Donald Trump’s effort to freeze federal grants is threatening to close the Fond du Lac program. April Mullins-Datko told WFDL news the Fond du Lac program has been locked out of their federal funding. Mullins Datko says the Fond du Lac Head Start program has not been reimbursed for January, but is still open because they have a line of credit and the board of directors is committed to keeping the organization open as long as possible. But she says if they don’t get federal funding by the end of February some tough choices will have to be made. In Fond du Lac County Head Start serves 185 children and 180 families. And Mullins-Datko says closing Head Start would impact 75 staff. Mullins-Datko says calls to congressman Glenn Grothman’s office have gone unanswered and she says messages have not been returned. She says the entire situation is frustrating. Grothman said Friday on AM 1170s Between the Lines program that he would look into the matter and believes Head Start was not intended for any cuts.