Club presidents for both the Ripon Noon Kiwanis and Ripon Early Bird Kiwanis recently presented two iPads to local community member Sam, who’s two children are on the Autism Spectrum. As part of the Wisconsin Upper Michigan Kiwanis district Autism Project, Kiwanis Clubs donate iPads for families with Children on the spectrum; which the children can use as part of their development and communication using specialized apps that suit their particular needs. The Autism Project has helped countless children grow and find their voice. Children with Autism are showing tremendous improvement when interacting with programs that support academic concepts, comprehension, and direction following. Visually supported iPad apps help motivate these students’ ability to follow a schedule, complete multi-step directions, and transition between activities and places. Apps on the iPad are mutually beneficial for parents, siblings and other caregivers. Additional information about the Wisconsin Kiwanis Autism Project can be found at https://www. kiwanisautismproject.com/. The Ripon Noon Kiwanis meets Tuesdays at Noon in the Ripon College PDR; and the Early Bird Kiwanis meets Wednesday Mornings at 7am currently at Ripon Family Restaurant.