11-2-17 uw campus climate

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A new survey shows minority, disabled and gay students feel they’re having a tougher time on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus.  The school released findings from its first campus climate survey on Wednesday. The survey found that about 80 percent of respondents felt safe, welcome and respected on campus. However, only 65 percent of students of color, 67 percent of disabled students, 69 percent of LGBT students and 50 percent of transgender/non-binary students who responded said they felt welcome.  About 11 percent of students reported experiencing hostile, harassing or intimidating behavior. Female students, students of color, LGBT students, disabled students and transgender/non-binary students were more likely to report being involved in such incidents.  About 8,650 of UW-Madison’s 41,956 students completed the survey during the fall of 2016.

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