4-9-19 fdl school district celebrates passage of building referendum

A week after Fond du Lac school district voters overwhelmingly approved two major building referendum questions superintendent  Dr. Jim Sebert is again thanking voters.   School officials celebrated passage of the $98 million referendum at Monday night’s school board meeting.  Sebert admits he didn’t know what to expect last week.  “People told us repeatedly that we had a compelling story, that they understood,”  Sebert told WFDL news.  Sebert says while he is grateful the Fond du Lac referendum was approved other area school districts were not as fortunate.  “Kaukauna or Neenah, Freedom.  I was with all of those superintendents Friday and its a very different feeling and you feel bad for them,”  Sebert said.  “We’re all trying to do the same work, we just do it in diffferent parts of the state.  At the same time they’re very excited for you because they know what this means.”

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