6-27-19 9/11 organization to pay off mortgage on slain appleton firefighter’s home

A Foundation established in memory of a New York firefighter who died during the 9/11 terrorist attacks has announced it will pay off the mortgage of  the home of slain Appleton firefighter Mitchell Lundgaard.  The 36-year-old Lundgaard was killed in the line of duty on May 15, when an individual they were attempting to help opened fire on first responders.  The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation  supports the families of first responders with a mission to ensure that Americans never forget the sacrifices made by first responders September 11, 2001.   The announcement was made as  the Foundation’s 9/11 Never Forget Mobile Exhibit comes to Wisconsin this weekend for the Celebrate Waupun Festival.  Waupun Fire Chief B.J. DeMaa says the mobile exhibit is a high-tech, 53 foot tractor trailer that transforms into a 1,000 square foot exhibit, manned by   New York city firefighters.

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