Fond du Lac city and county officials have officially announced a new manned security checkpoint at the city-county government center will go into operation on Monday August 5. County executive Al Buechel says effective that morning the the only public access to the Government Center will be through the north entrance security checkpoint. All other entrance doors including the Macy Street entrance, will be locked and may be used only as an emergency exit. Buechel says the checkpoint will be similar to an airport security checkpoint. Buechel says employees will be able to use a key fob to enter other locked doors to the building. The Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office will have two or more security officers controlling the security checkpoint, as well as monitoring the entire building. The public may be able to access the building through the security checkpoint from 7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., unless there are scheduled public meetings that will require limited portions of the building to be open later.